John E.

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John E.
Red Teamer
Incidence Responder
  • Location:
    Inside a Pineapple under the sea.
  • Linux, Windows
  • Windows Server
  • Linux Server
  • Cloud, Azure, AWS, Oracle

Redis Server Unprotected by Password Authentication

August 9, 2022

Vulnerability: Redis Server Unprotected by Password Authentication

Severity: High

Description: The Redis server running on the remote host is not protected by password authentication. A remote attacker can exploit this to gain unauthorized access to the server.

Solution: Enable the ‘requirepass’ directive in the redis.conf configuration file.


Log in to the server using SSH. Putty can be used for this.

Verify that Redis is running:



Open the Redis configuration file for editing:

nano /etc/redis/redis.conf


If the file is not found in that path, check



If the file is not found in that path as well, enter the following to search for the configuration file (ensure you are in the root folder when searching):

locate redis.conf


Configure a Redis password:

When the file has been opened for editing using nano, scroll to the SECURITY section and look for a commented directive that reads:

# requirepass foobared


If this is not found manually, use CTRL+W to search for



Uncomment the line and enter a password of your choice so that it looks like

requirepass passwordofyourchoice2021


Save the config file and exit


Restart the redis-server

sudo service redis-server restart


For Windows

navigate to

C:\Program Files\Redis.
Open the redis.conf or redis-windows.conf

Edit the requirepass line, same as with the Linux stated above.


Uncomment the line and enter a password of your choice so that it looks like

requirepass passwordofyourchoice2021


Save the config file and exit

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